Part of this alignment on the respective state’s COVID-19 Recovery Roadmaps must include a comprehensive plan to address the challenges faced by border communities, with the objective to revert to 'daily living within the border bubble' arrangements at 70 per cent.

The NSW Government has already released its reopening roadmap which outlines what restrictions NSW businesses can expect to be eased when the state reached 70 per cent fully vaccinated rates. The Victorian Government is set to reveal its detailed plan in coming days.

The Victorian Chamber released its own detailed four-stage roadmap, in line with the National Cabinet plan and Doherty Institute modelling.

Business NSW Chief Executive Daniel Hunter says, "NSW and Victoria have an opportunity to lead the way for Australia with high vaccination rates and our ability to live with COVID as part of our normal everyday lives.

"NSW and Victoria are the engine room of the Australian economy and our respective Governments need to be clear with business on what COVID Normal looks when we reach that 80 per cent fully vaccinated threshold. Business needs certainty and they need that now. The 70 per cent roadmap for NSW was a great start, now let’s take that ambition further.

"Australia's COVID recovery should transcend politics. Our businesses in NSW and Victoria need clarity on when they can resume their strong economic and socioeconomic connection. Business needs certainty so they can re-employ staff and re-engage with their customer base.

"We need to be able to say to NSW and Victoria 'at 80 per cent double dose that our businesses will be open, our state borders will be open and you can plan your Christmas holiday, catch up with family or attend that conference without fear of it being cancelled'."

Victorian Chamber Chief Executive Paul Guerra says, “Pre-COVID, the Melbourne-Sydney flight route was one of the busiest in the world which is testament to the interdependent economies and communities of both states and our governments must facilitate a return to that collaboration to get our nation’s business heart pumping once again.

“This is a race – a nation-wide race – to get Australia humming again and we all know that the best way to win is through team work, collaboration and determination. Victorian and NSW businesses are up for the challenge and are looking to our political leaders to guide the way.

“We know our border communities rely on each other for education, employment and tourism and the NSW and Victorian COVID-19 Recovery Roadmaps must address the unique issues they face to ensure their economic survival as we hit vaccination targets.”


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