Mobile alerts – location of new cases 

The Service NSW app can now notify users of COVID-19 case locations via an alert notification. The COVID Safe Check-in History within the app will indicate when someone visits a venue on the same day as a person confirmed to have the virus.
How to access the positive case location alert: 

  • within the Service NSW app, look for a red icon in the COVID Safe Check-in History
  • the business name and date when the positive COVID-19 case visited will be displayed
  • follow the general health advice to monitor for symptoms and if symptoms appear get tested.

Push notifications

Customers who opt in for push notifications from the Service NSW app can automatically receive an alert – so there’s no need to manually check the history. Instead a push notification alerts the customer to view the COVID Safe Check-in History for details and next steps. Push notifications can be activated via the app settings, look for ‘notifications’ under 'preferences'.

Business operators: what you should and shouldn’t do

Service NSW will notify businesses by email – on the same day customers receive a COVID-19 case location alert. 

If your business is notified of a positive case, you do not need to close. However you should:

You do not need to contact:

  • customers/patrons
  • NSW Health 
  • SafeWork NSW.

If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19, follow the guidance for businesses. NSW Health will continue to contact anyone who is a close contact or if your business needs to take further action.

If your customers don’t have a smartphone or the Service NSW app, they can continue to monitor daily COVID-19 case locations

Rapid Antigen Test kits

The Rapid Antigen COVID-19 do-it-yourself test kit is a convenient tool that can provide results quickly and help you screen employees who may have no symptoms.

Although PCR tests are more accurate, as the first port of call, Rapid Antigen testing can provide early detection of the virus – sometimes before symptoms appear. This may help minimise the risk of it spreading in your workplace, protecting your employees and customers.  

The test can be performed anywhere – at home or onsite before commencing work, with results taking 10 to 15 minutes.

If a Rapid Antigen test provides a positive result, the employee should get a diagnostic PCR test as soon as possible to verify the result and should not attend work until they receive a negative result. The kits are available at pharmacies, major supermarkets and online.

Read more on Rapid Antigen testing, guidance and support.

Compliance – checking COVID-19 vaccination status

Here’s a reminder of the acceptable forms of proof for checking the vaccination status of customers before entering most business premises and venues:

To help maintain compliance and set the right expectations to your customers about proof of COVID-19 vaccination requirements, access the toolkit of posters and assets the NSW government has produced for you to display.  



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