Mel Steele, an IDT teacher at Dapto High School, and Jane Artup from the NSW Digital Skills and Workforce Compact, recently discussed the importance of nurturing digital talent. Their conversation highlighted both the challenges and triumphs of teaching digital subjects, offering insights into the journey of future digital professionals.

The Workforce Compact was established to address NSW's projected shortfall of 85,000 technology workers by 2030, inspiring educators and industry leaders to unite in nurturing the next generation of digital talent. 

Mel emphasised the hurdles in securing industry placements for her students and stressed the need for collaborative support from leaders.

Despite challenges, her school is committed to integrating technology, fostering a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment to equip every student with essential tools.

Recognising that digital literacy extends beyond devices, Mel organises workshops and provides resources to build students' confidence and competence. She also emphasised the valuable role industry can play in bringing the curriculum to life through current industry applications, advocating for hands-on learning experiences that inspire passion and creativity in students.

Mel remains dedicated to providing inclusive opportunities for all learners, advocating for industry collaboration to expand work placement options.

Jane acknowledged Mel as a catalyst for change. 

Can you help?

Businesses in NSW can support our future digital workers with a one-week work placement for an HSC IDT student. Complete our short EOI form to learn more and get involved.

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