By Jenny Dikranian Content Writer, Business NSW

With the majority of the eligible population in NSW now double vaccinated, there are less sleeves to roll up so it'll take a little more time for the state to achieve the 95% rate. 

On that note, the day has come – 15 December 2021, when many businesses can once again breathe a sigh of relief with more relaxing of the rules coming into play.  


One change everyone will embrace is there will be no density limits for any settings. This will make an immense difference to many businesses and equally so for patrons and customers as it means no more empty spaces due to the one person per two square metre rule.

Whether indoors or outdoors, big fat weddings will be back, anyone can attend a funeral to pay respect in person, sporting events will be epic, piling into public transport will return and … you’ll need to ‘hold that lift’ when summoned.

Another change for businesses is that COVID safety plans are now optional. The plans were introduced to help businesses navigate due diligence in observing the Public Health Orders and to reduce the risk of the virus spreading to employees, customers and any visitors. It will be up to individual businesses to decide whether to address the safety checklist. 


On a community level, the biggest change is that vaccination status will no longer be checked. This means everyone will be able to access non-critical retail, personal services and hospitality. Anyone not vaccinated against COVID-19 can kiss away DIY haircuts and beauty treatments, and enjoy the option to dine-in rather than takeaway.

If you have a retail presence, you no longer need a dedicated employee stationed at your front door playing ‘good cop, bad cop’. Customers can access your business or space without any slowing down due to connection glitches or non-tech savvy customers delaying entry. However, proof of vaccination will still be required for indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people and cruises with more than 100 passengers.

In discussing the next phase of easing the rules, Business NSW CEO Daniel Hunter said: “This is the early Christmas present businesses across NSW needed, with trading conditions basically back to pre-pandemic levels, due to the way NSW embraced vaccination."

“We do have to remain vigilant against the virus, and I think residents will show a great deal of common sense with how they interact with business owners and their staff, particularly in smaller businesses,” said Mr Hunter. 


From a retail shopping experience perspective, customers can now enjoy zipping in and out of shops without having to check-in. However QR code check-ins will still be required for some settings including:

  • hospitals
  • aged and disability care facilities
  • gyms
  • places of worship
  • funerals or memorial services
  • personal services (including sex services)
  • pubs, small bars and registered clubs
  • nightclubs
  • strip clubs
  • indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people.


Whether you colour co-ordinate with your outfit, wear as a fashion accessory or use a disposable one, hang onto your masks because they are here to stay for now. You will be required to wear a mask:

  • on public transport
  • on planes
  • at airports

Front-of-house hospitality employees who are not vaccinated will need to continue to wear a mask.

For more information on reopening NSW, refer to the '95% or 15 December' column of the roadmap.


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