The NSW government’s three-stage roadmap to reopening the state includes the following:

  • stage one at the 70% double vaccination rate
  • stage two at the 80% double vaccination rate
  • stage three from December 1 onwards. 

Stage one – 11 October – #backtobusiness day 

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has announced changes to the roadmap. At the 70% target these include: 

  • indoor swimming pools to reopen for swimming lessons, squad training, lap swimming, and rehab activities 
  • weddings and funerals to increase to 100 people
  • all schools students to return to face-to-face learning by Monday 25 October. There will be a two-week staggered approach to returning to school with Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 12 going back on 18 October. 

Get back to business safely

To help you reopen and get #backtobusiness – in a covid-safe way, here are some important resources the government has put together ahead of October 11 – what Business NSW is celebrating as Back to Business Day.

Summary of the public health measures for businesses:

  • If a staff member tests positive, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, they must self-isolate for 14 days and follow the advice from NSW Health. Businesses will refer to their COVID-19 Safety Plan and risk assessment approach for further instructions on notifying other staff.
  • Businesses must inform NSW Health if three or more employees test positive for COVID-19 in a seven-day period.
  • NSW Health guidelines will enable businesses to assess workplace risk if a COVID-19 case is identified and confirm actions to be taken.
  • You can reduce the risk of closure or staff going into isolation by implementing rigorous COVID-19 Safety Plans. Other proactive steps you can take include ensuring staff are vaccinated and implementing regular onsite testing programs for workers.

Summary of vaccination compliance and obligations:

  • Businesses are responsible for taking reasonable steps to prevent unvaccinated people entering your premises. For example, having prominent signs stating requirements, Service NSW QR codes, staff checking vaccination status upon entry and only accepting valid forms of evidence of vaccination, or medical exemption.
  • Authorised officers will monitor businesses re-opening, particularly those that have vaccination requirements, for example hospitality, retail, gyms, and personal services (e.g. hair, beauty).
  • Penalties may apply for individuals and businesses who don’t comply.
    On the spot fines:
    • $1,000 may apply to individuals for not complying, or for using fraudulent evidence of vaccination or check-in.
    • $5,000 may apply to businesses for not complying with the Public Health Order vaccination requirements.

Stages two and three

The state government will provide further information on stages two and three of the roadmap in due course. But some of the changes to the roadmap for Stage two at the 80% target include: 

  • up to 3,000 people will be allowed to attend controlled and ticketed outdoor events (previously 500)
  • nightclubs will be permitted to reopen for seated drinking only (no dancing)
  • masks will no longer be required in office buildings. 

All roadmap freedoms at 70% and 80% will continue to be for fully vaccinated people only.

Information will also be updated on