About your chamber


Sydney has become a global centre for business investment and talent, and Business NSW (Sydney) is working hard to maintain and enhance the harbour city’s international profile. We’re a key player in shaping government policy and a leading advocate for Sydney as a highly competitive and liveable global city.

What we do for you

Business NSW (Sydney) has been supporting Sydney-based businesses since 1826. Our mission is to identify, develop and promote a positive agenda to drive economic activity and grow Sydney’s business environment. We provide a strong voice for the interests of Sydney businesses, and are focused on:

•    Reforming Sydney's local governance

•   Recycling state assets to fund new transport and infrastructure projects

•    Supporting the evolution of Sydney's cultural and tourism offerings

•    Advocating for urban renewal and planning reform

•    Encouraging the evolution of Sydney's service economy

•    Building Sydney's standing in the arts and international education

•    Lifting Sydney's status as a global destination for business and leisure

Please visit the Business Sydney website for more information.

Contact us

Business NSW

Executive Director Business Sydney

Office Address:

Suite 2, Level 23, 45 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000


(02) 9466 4549

General Enquiries:

Event Enquiries: